Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kind strangers

What made me happy today? Coming across two stories about kind strangers.
The first one was a newspaper article about Spanish locksmiths refusing to help evict homeowners any longer (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/03/spanish-locksmiths_n_2401771.html). This was also published in a Belgian paper (http://www.standaard.be/artikel/detail.aspx?artikelid=DMF20130107_00424884 this article is in Dutch).
The second one was a story about a kind stranger on a subway: http://notalwaysright.com/homeless-is-where-the-heart-is/26293

There have been some kind strangers in my life as well, like the guys that stayed with me after I was hit by a car. And it does not even have to be as big as that. The small things matter as well. Like the people that stop to let you cross the street, or let you go in front of them at the checkout line in the supermarket because you only have one item and they have a shopping cart that's filled to the edge.
It's stories like this that make me feel the world is not such a bad place after all. They warm my heart and give me the idea that there might be hope for humanity after all :-)

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