Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What's next, an Oscar?

What made me happy today? What's next, an Oscar?
Well, today it was back to work after a nice trip to London. First thing I did, was go to the mail room, and check if there was mail in my in-tray. There was. But I had no idea of what was inside. It was a Christmas card from one of my managers, which covered me in golden glitter. And another award!
This time, I was awarded a certificate of excellence for my work on a project we managed to close 7 weeks prior to the estimates! If this keeps going, I might win an Oscar soon! Nah, just kidding :-)
And of course, it's Christmas eve. I'm not much of a Christmas person, but I love receiving/giving presents, good food, family and great company. It'll be a bit of a run around the country the next few days, but hey. It's worth it!
Happy Christmas or whatever you celebrate! Stay warm, stay safe, don't drink and drive, and happy holidays! What are you doing for Christmas?

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