Saturday, February 16, 2013

I did it!

What made me happy today? Finally winning the hoverboard race in Ratchet and Clank.
It has cost me blood, sweat and tears. Not to mention a lot of profanity, yelling at the screen and gritting my teeth.
But after 37 tries I finally won the hoverboard race in the first Ratchet an Clank game.
Why did that make me so happy? Well, it's the first time in ten years I've been able to do it myself. UsuallyI had to ask someone to help me. But not this time. I decided to see this one through myself. And when I finally won, I really jumped up and down with pure joy. It may not seem like much to be happy about, but again: 10 years..
Gaming rules!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Ratchet and clank! It has been a part of our life in periods since the little emperor was four, so i can understand your happiness :-)
