Friday, May 31, 2013
I'm on holiday! No more work for a week and a half! Yay! Time to relax with friends, enjoy some music, cook great food and read a bunch of books :-)
On top of that, the weather will be improving a lot so that makes me even happier :-)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Now I guess you're wondering what wihihifi is. Well, it's the word I use for funny WiFi names. And yes, it's a thing :-)
Don't believe me? Check this out. Network names like 'it hurts when IP', 'Mordor', 'FBI surveillance van', 'ninjas on a boat', 'your WiFi is in another castle', 'I'm under your bed' etc. always crack me up.
Most of the WiFi networks in my neighborhood have rather boring names, like 'homespot'. But there are a few cool ones around as well. For a while there was one that was called 'the one network'. Another one always uses names of metal bands.
And mine? Well, mine usually has a geeky name. Like Ultramarines or the Force :-)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The final countdown!
Only two days of work left and then it's time for a hard earned vacation with friends! That's enough to cheer me up on a gloomy, rainy, work-filled day like this.
I'll kick of my vacation by going to Porta Nigra, which I've been counting down to since they announced it :-)
And in the meantime I've got this song stuck in my head. Blame the radio. And the catchy tune. It's not my usual genre, but hey, I like it. (and the singer is cute, got to love his hair!)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
And having more fun with the bow than with the contents of said box. Here's why:

- the instructions for opening the box: you can open it with a knife or scissors. But do not use a blowtorch, a saw, an axe or a jackhammer. You can apparently not use a paint-roller either :-s

- tips for extra unboxing fun: (these are in Dutch, so I'll quickly translate)
'This is a magical moment. One of the over 750000 packages we send out yearly, has ended up with you. Double the fun with following tips:
1) focus on the here and now. Breathe and observe. How big is the box? How heavy? What color does it have? What texture? What's on it?
2) Close your eyes now. Feel how both your feet are on the gr... no, no peeking. Close your eyes for real.
3) Alright, you can keep them open.
4) Open the flaps, remove the padding material a,d remove your articles.
5) Do a little dance and cheer.'
Needless to say, I've had more fun with the box so far, than with it's contents.
A quick word on Coolblue's customer service: it's great! I ordered this package on Sunday, and I already have it. They informed me of where my package was every time the status changed. I really recommend them!
Monday, May 27, 2013
These are the days
Yes, I know, it's Monday. So how can that possibly be an awesome day?
Let me tell you how. I only have to work four more days before going to Porta Nigra, which features some of my favorite bands. After that I'll be enjoying some hard earned vacation time! The sun was shining this morning. So when I got to the hospital this morning, I was glad I got to spend my day in a room with a window. The window was cracked open a bit, so I could hear birds whistling, and the view over the city was very enjoyable as well. And work went well today, I got a lot done. On the way home from work the radio played some great songs. All that's left for me to do today is go sit outside and enjoy some sun :-)
I hope your Monday was awesome too!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
I love reading. A lot. I read tons of books. I have tons of books. That's also one of the reasons I got an e-reader. An e-reader can store a whole lot of books, and doesn't take up that much space. Yes, I kind of ran out of space for actual paper books :-s
Reading is awesome, as this article shows. Books allow me to escape into a different world. They allow me to live out fantasies, dreams, hopes, wishes and tons of other things. Yes, I have cried over the deaths of fictional characters. Yes, I've had that moment when you finish a great book and don't know how to move on with your life after that.
Yes, I have frantically searched to obtain that one missing book from a series. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I'm talking about the elusive last two books in the Sector General series. One of which my mom found in a little bookstore, on a shelve in the back. The other one was found in America, by my sister and brother-in-law. When I got them, I actually shed a tear (or more) from pure joy. I love Sector General. Years ago, I picked up a copy at a big book-sale. It caught my eye because it's a hospital in space. I know, I know, that just screams nerd / geek. What can I say... I love sci-fi and medical stuff. Combine them and boom! Instant happy me :-)
I started reading books at the same age most people do. But I quickly started reading the more advanced books as well. I'm not always sure that that was a great idea, but hey. You love books and your parents just gave you a huge box of their old books. Then again, I read Uncle Tom's Cabin when I was ten. Bad idea. A lot of crying ensued, and my parents really had to put that one into context for me. I sincerely doubt that I'd let my kids read that book when they're ten.
But books are great. There is so much knowledge contained in the pages. And then there is that 'old book' smell. They should make a perfume like that :-)
So pick up a book today, at your local bookstore or library and whisk yourself away into another world.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Mental floss!
Mental floss is a pretty recent Youtube channel by John Green. Each Wednesday he uploads a video with a bunch of facts or other knowledge :-)
Go check it out, you might learn something while having fun!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Goodbye and hello
A few months ago I posted about one of my favorite webcomics: . Today, after eleven years and three thousand comics, the series came to an end. And yes, I cried...
It's going to be strange without my daily Dominic fix. But I am so happy that it ended with Dominic alive! I really feared that Mookie (aka Michael Terracciano) would let Dominic die. But nope, he let him and Luna and Spark live happily ever after :-) But of course, it would not be Mookie if he didn't add sort of a cliffhanger in his last comic. There's this mysterious voice saying 'Dad! Come inside! Uncle Gregory just arrived!' to Dominic, but no mention as to who is saying this. Now, from old comics I know that Dominic and Luna were unable to have children of their own, so either they adopted or they did magically conceive. Any way, I'm happy for them, because they would make great parents.
It makes me kind of sad that the comic has ended, but I'm also happy it ended the way it did. And Michael, I don't know if you're reading this, but I just want to say: thank you! Thank you for all these years of Dominic Deegan; for the amazing journey it has been; for all the lame puns; for the drama, love, sadness, happiness and all those other emotions; for the epic 'death from above' and all those other memories / catchphrases I'll never forget. Thank you for creating such amazing characters, like Dominic, Luna, Spark, Quilt, Bort, Gregory, Stunt and Bumper, Dominic's parents... Well, all of them. Thank you for, in a way, helping me through some hard times in my life through Dominic Deegan! Thank you for not letting Dominic die! And most of all: thank you for everything!
But, as always in life: when a door closes, a window opens. Michael Terracciano has teamed up with Garth Graham to create 'Star Power', whick looks great and I'll definitely be following closely.
So this is a bit of a mixed feelings post: I'm sad that Dominic Deegan ended, but I'm happy Mookie got to end it like he wanted to and that he has a new project. But most of all I'm happy about all the memories I have about Dominic and friends, and their adventures.
And what better way to end this post than with Mookie's usual words? Rock on and geek out!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Soylent green
We all know the quote: 'soylent green is people!' Although this quote is a tad bit more effective in German if you ask me. 'Soylent grün ist Menschenfleisch!' just sounds scarier.
So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon an article on about a Kickstarter for Soylent 'default meal'. Sounds kind of gross, right?
Well, as it turns out, I don't think it's made out of people. The actual ingredients aren't listed but I seriously doubt that it's people. Right?
It made me smile :-)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Stir it up
I eat a lot of vegetables. One of my favorite ways to prepare veggies is a stir fry. Now when I was at the supermarket last Sunday I got a free bundle of scallions with my purchase (no idea why). I looked at a bunch of recipes to try and find a nice way to prepare them but in the end I decided to wing it.
This was the result:

It's very tasty, kind of healthy and easy to make.
What you need:
- 100 gr mushrooms, sliced
- 100 gr broccoli, in florets
- a bundle of scallions, sliced
- 100 gr of seitan or beef or poultry, in strips
- two soup-spoons of soy sauce
- a teaspoon of palm sugar
How to make it:
- put some oil in a wok, heat it
- toss everything in the wok except the scallions
- stir fry for a few minutes, until everything is nice and warm
- add the soy sauce, the sugar and the scallions and stir fry for about two more minutes
- serve with rice and enjoy!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Wise choice
Today, I had to do a repeat performance of the drive I did last Friday. It was raining quite hard, and traffic was bad. So after I'd been driving for about two hours, I noticed I started feeling hungry. So I pulled over on a highway parking and decided to eat some dinner.
Turns out that that was the smart choice as it took me another hour and a half to drive those last 40-something kilometers. I never would have made it home without a killer headache from not eating for so long.
Here's to making smart choices!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Night Fury!
Yesterday evening my parents, BF and I went out for dinner. After going back to my place my BF started rummaging through my DVD collection. The choice of the evening was 'how to train your dragon'. I'd seen it a few times, but he hadn't. So we decided on watching it together.
His face during the movie was priceless! He really liked it, and I can't blame him. It's a great movie, and it had dragons. The coolest dragon? The Night Fury of course! Best quote? 'We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard.'
If you haven't seen it yet, head over to your local DVD rental place or store, pick up a copy and enjoy it with the family.
*roar* (that's dragon for: have a great week!)
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Fight like a girl!
I am, of course talking about the new Emilie Autumn cd and awesomely cool music video! I'm kind of jealous about that guard though. Wish I could kiss her ;-)
The video has a slight 'Sucker punch' feel to it. By the way, sucker punch is a great movie :-)
But I totally love Emilie Autumn. Don't know why? Just check out the video! Listen to the lyrics, and you'll see how awesome she is. Check out her other songs as well, she has created so many beautifully disturbing songs.
I've also been lucky enough to see her perform live. What an experience! It's a concert with a show, a dash of burlesque and tea! If you ever get the chance to see her perform, take it! It's totally worth it.
So yeah, I'm a plague rat and part of the asylum army. Here's hoping us wayward Victorian girls will rule the world one day!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
This one speaks for itself. Nutella is awesome and delicious. On bread, pancakes or just a spoonful straight from the jar.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Go to the store and buy some. You'll soon see that I'm right ;-)
Friday, May 17, 2013
Meep meep!
What a day... I had to go to a site in Roeselare today, which is about 1 h 45 min away by car. So I got up at 5 this morning, jumped in my car and beat the traffic. Yay :-)
I was hoping I'd have the same luck when driving home, but I kind of forgot that the traffic jams start early on Friday. It took me nearly 3 hours to get home. (which also explains why this update is so late). But I don't really mind being in a traffic jam. It's annoying, yes, but getting worked up about it or getting frustrated will not help. So I just turn the radio up and sing / yell along. It's also loads of fun to look at what other people are doing in their cars while traffic's not moving. I saw a few people singing along, a couple arguing, an guy reading a newspaper, a woman fiddling with her phone etc.
But I'm happy to be home :-)
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I love music. A lot. I could not imagine my life without it. And here's something not many of you may know, but I even used to play the piano. So music has always been a big part of my life! And some of the big moments in my life have their own soundtrack as well.
When I was still young and a member of a local youth astronomer's society, I saw the original Star Wars trilogy for the first time. I fell in love with those movies on that day. I don't remember the exact date, but I still remember my dad driving me to the planetarium where I'd meet up with the rest of the group. It was raining and the radio was playing 'Where the wild roses grow' by Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue.
I listen to a lot of music, and a pretty ranged variety as well. My preference goes towards metal and gothic. But as I mentioned before, I do certainly appreciate other types of music.
Now, I guess you've all been on hold while calling a company. Usually the music sounds like it's coming from a tin can. Most of the times it's kind of crappy as well. So imagine my surprise when I got to listen to 'the 4 seasons' by Vivaldi while waiting for a conference call to start. In great quality! It made the half an hour wait a lot less painful :-)
So here's to music! It soothes the soul, makes us dance, gives us goosebumps, brings a tear to our eye or just makes us happy :-)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
A long time ago I posted about xkcd, one of my favorite webcomics. On several occasions I have mentioned being a bit (okay, understatement) of a space aficionado.
In yesterday's blog I posted a link to Chris Hadfield's Space Oddity music video. And what do I see today?
What-if xkcd wonders if Space Oddity is the most expensive music video ever! I'm not telling you the answer, head on over and see for yourself.
This definitely made my whole day :-)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Mumbo jumbo
I had an off day today. Hey, they can't all be good ones. I had a terrible nightmare which woke me up, and after that I could not sleep any more. Work was hard as well, I spent most of my day alone in a room surrounded by binders and binders full of papers I had to check for inconsistencies.
But the great thing is that when I posted that I was having an off day on my FB and Twitter, people immediatly started to cheer me up. With a multitude of things!
- a video of nice Russians
- funny Pintrest pics
- genius ideas: the geek edition
- Good guy Greg
- sandwich art
- Space oddity
Of course the last one could not be left from this list! Those of you who know me well know what a space freak I am :-) I will admit that I'm going to miss Chris Hadfield's videos, photos and FaceBook / Twitter updates from space. They usually made my day every day. It's thanks to him I now know how to wash my hands and cut my nails in space, how to make a PB&H sandwich there and what happens when I wring out a wet washcloth. But I'll admit: I'm happy he made it back to Earth safely :-)
Monday, May 13, 2013
Not the band 'the Cure', although I like them a lot. No, I didn't find a cure for anything either. I'm talking about the 2010 book 'Cure' by Robin Cook.
I love to read. A lot. And this weekend I finally got around to finishing it!
Robin Cook, for those of you who never heard of him, writes what can best be described as medical thrillers. Although I have to say that in recent years, he's been moving away from the pure medical thriller. Which I can understand, as the medical field evolves quite rapidly, and that gives his books a rather big chance of becoming outdated. Especially when being read by someone working in the medical field. But that does not mean his boks are bad in any way! Even the old ones are great to read.
Cure is a very good book. It takes a while for the story to get going, but the end is well worth it. A real page-turner too! No spoilers, grab a copy at your local bookstore or library and see (read) for yourself!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
It's mother's day today!
Moms. Is there anything they can't do? Mine seems to do it all. She's always been there for me and my sister, good times or bad. Yes, we have our differences but everyone does. Otherwise life would be pretty boring. I know I'm very lucky to have the mom I have :-)
So to all the moms out there: this is your day. You've earned it, so enjoy it!
And the rest of you I wish a nice Sunday! Don't forget to call your mom ;-)
Saturday, May 11, 2013
This is water
No, this is in no way related to the earlier FB / twitter update about it raining. 'This is water' is actually David Foster Wallace's 2005 Kenyon commencement speech.
Just listen to it, you'll see why this is my happy for today :-)
Short post today, I know, but I have social obligations the rest of the day :-)
Friday, May 10, 2013
Amoras 2047
<b>What made me happy today? </b>Amoras 2047!
A while ago I came across a mysterious image on my Facebook newsfeed. Upon closer investigation I found out that this was the site for the new 'Suske and Wiske' comic, or 'Spike and Suzy' as they're called in English.
Bits and pieces of information came, along with some intriguing YouTube clips.
I grew up with Suske and Wiske, so I was very exited to find out there'd be a grown-up version coming soon.
And yesterday the moment finally arrived, Amoras 2047 hit the stores. Today I went and got my paper copy (it's also available for iPod and iPad) and almost immediately started reading it.
Wow. Suske and Wiske grew up. A lot. For those of you expecting the same old comics you grew up with: nope. It's nothing like the old ones. Yes, the characters are all there, but that's it. The tone is much grittier, there's violence and curse-words. The drawing style is completely different.
The downside of comics like this is that there's so few pages. A fast reader, like me, finishes this one in no time.
But I love this new style, and the comic! Too bad the damn thing ends with a major cliffhanger. Now I have to wait for the next part... And there'll be a total of 6 comics in this series. Can't wait!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Bank holiday
Today's a Bank holiday in Belgium, which means no work! Having a day off during the week is always nice, but it's even nicer when you can have fun :-)
Last night I went to the BF, who cooked dinner for me. Nothing fancy, but still very tasty pasta with cheese sauce. After that we watched Laputa: castle in the sky, another must-see anime movie from Studio Ghibli. This 1986 movie is directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who made a ton of amazing anime and manga.
I woke up pretty early this morning, I'm not always a great sleeper and decided to finally start reading Philip K. Dick's 'the man in the high castle'. It's a shame I never got around to reading this sooner, as this 1962 book is a classic. It portrays a world in which Germany defeated Russia and Japan defeated the USA in the second World War. I got half-way through before it was time to get some chores done. Ah, the joys of adult life ;-)
And to finish off this day I'm going to have my new favorite food for dinner, followed by some episodes of Castle.
Hope your day was as great as mine!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
I usually never take a lunch-break. A bad habit, I know, but I usually like to finish my work in one go. Which means that I'm eating my soup / salad / sandwich / whatever I'm having for lunch at my desk.
Remember when I told you all about making a new friend? Well, as it turns out he doesn't work that far from my office, so today we decided to get some lunch together.
Wow, that was fun! A nice change of pace, no work bugging me between the bites of my vegetarian penne and just some asy flowing conversation with a lot of laughs!
I should do this more often :-)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
All clear!
Today is European melanoma day. Which means that today, a lot of dermatologist did free melanoma checks. They do this once a year, mostly to gather statistical data regarding the occurence of melanoma and to raise awareness regarding skincancer. You just have to register for an appointment through this website. I know that no appointments are available anymore, but this is a yearly action, so keep an eye out!
I don't spend a lot of time in the sun, and when I do, I use sunscreen. A lot, and often. But because melanoma is perfectly treatable when caught early, and I have one mole on my back that is a bit hard for me to keep an eye on myself, I felt like this was a great opportunity to get it all checked out.
And I got the 'all clear'! None of my moles are risky, or looking naughty! And that makes me a very happy girl :-)
Monday, May 6, 2013
What made me happy today? BBQ!
I'm off to have a BBQ with some friends :-)
Good food, music, company, talking and drinks. That's about all a girl needs on a Monday evening after a long day at work.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Creamy goodness
Yup, I'm a huge fan of avocados. They're tasty, healthy and just all-round awesome.
And I've thought up another super fast, easy and tasty recipe for them!
What you need:
- pack of tortillas
- some grated cheese of your choice (I like a combination of mozzarella and cheddar)
- salsa
- one avocado
- onions if you like
How to make it:
- put one tortilla on a plate. Spread some grated cheese and onion on the tortilla. Microwave for about a minute, until the cheese is molten.
- slice the avocado in two. Add some avocado on the tortilla. Add some salsa.
- fold the tortilla and enjoy!
At first I thought that this recipe needed some sour cream, but the avocado is more than creamy enough. But you can add it if you like.
This recipe is so fast and easy to make and yet it's super tasty! Yum :-)
Saturday, May 4, 2013
First aid fun!
A while ago I did this post about becoming a volunteer for the Red Cross. And today I had some time available so I volunteered to help out at the first aid stand for a local soccer tournament.
Wow, I saw a lot of 11 year old boys with scraped knees today. But being able to help them is nice :-)
And it was fun meeting new people as well! I don't go out much during the week, with work. So volunteering for the Red Cross is a great way to meet some new people while helping others!
Should you have some time available, and want to do some volunteer work with the Red Cross, just Google for your local chapter. You don't need a medical background to volunteer for them. And you never know when you may save a life!
Enjoy your Saturday!
Friday, May 3, 2013
So long and thanks
Jeff Hanneman died. Don't get me wrong, this definitely does not make me happy. At all. As a matter of fact, it makes me kind of sad. He was only 49...
But what made me (kind of) happy was the lovely comic Jeph Jacques did, in tribute to the untimely death of one of the founding members of Slayer. And of course, for those of you who read Questionable Content, it had to end on a total 'Hanners' note.
Jeff will be missed, but at least his music is still around. So Jeff, wherever you are now: rock on!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Veggie update!
If you remember, a while ago I posted this. I promised I would keep you all updated on how the vegetables do. So today I'm keeping that promise!

My peppers, radishes, tomatoes and beans have all started growing! Yay! Now I'm hoping they'll give me some nice and tasty home grown food :-) but I might have to wait a few lonths for that.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Last Sunday I was over at the BFs house and while he was doing some chores he was watching an episode of Castle. Now, I had heard of this show with Nathan Fillion (who some of you may know better as Captain Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly) but never got around to actually watching it. Intrigued, I started watching the episode. After that one was finished I begged my BF to let me watch the first episode of the show and it had me in tears! From laughing so hard. 'stole a policehorse...naked' wahahaha.
For those of you who've never heard of the show: Richard 'Rick' Castle is a mystery writer who follows homicide detective Kate Beckett around while 'catching killers'. I'm not going to tell you more than that :-)
So I got my hands on the series, and have been watching it as much as I can ever since. The energy and chemistry between Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic is just great. You can feel the tension between their two characters almost dripping from the screen.
Of course, as with every tv series, the show has it's ups and downs. But my favorite episode so far is 'vampire weekend' in which Nathan Fillion actually dons his Malcolm Reynolds outfit! After which he is told by his daughter 'Didn't you wear that 5 years ago? You should get over it.' Funny, because when that episode aired it had been 5 years since Firefly and Serenity.
This is a great show, so make sure to watch it if you can!