What made me happy today? Swimming.
I love to swim. Always have. There's just something about it that relaxes me.
I'm lucky enough to live close to a pool. So once a week I go for a swim with two friends. It seemed like a good plan, and we keep each other motivated to come. We don't chat much or mess around in the pool, nope, we swim laps. Every time I look forward to the weekly swim. I can work of my frustrations, let of some steam, think about stuff, just be alone with my thoughts in the water.
It's just me, my body and my mind. In the water, we are one well-working machine. My knee doesn't bother me, and as I've been swimming for years, I don't have to think about it. I can just let my thought flow freely as I cleave through the water :-)
Besides, it's good for you. Swimming is gentle on the joints and gives you an all-over work-out. Plus, you don't get all sweaty :-)
And with my new haircut it became even more fun, because now I don't have to walk home in the cold with wet hair any more :-)
So pack up your swimming trunks or bathing suit and go splash around in a pool ;-)
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