Monday, January 14, 2013

New ORE cd

What made me happy today? Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio has finally released 4play!
On December 10th 2012, Tomas Petterson (front man of ORE) announced that they’d be releasing 4play in January 2013, an appetizer for their new full length album to be released later in 2013. Of course I immediately ordered my copy, as there are only 1000 copies released!
I have to say, I could not be more excited! I have been a fan of ORE for many years and they always manage to surprise me. Their last full album, Songs 4 Hate & Devotion was released in 2010. It blew me away. It was rather different from the music they made before, and yet so totally ORE in everything. This does of course mean that I have high expectations about the forthcoming album. But knowing ORE, it'll be ok. They have never dissapointed me :-)
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio is also one of those bands I love to see live. I love their music on cd, but seeing them perform live just adds something to the experience. If you ever have the chance to see them perform live, please do! You won't be dissapointed.
And on a more personal note, Tomas and Rose are very nice people! I've met them in real life and they are kind, warm hearted and friendly :-) I hope they'll continue to make such wonderful music for many years to come, so I can write lots of happy blog posts about it!

- 4play copies are sold here:
- The official ORE website:
- The ORE FaceBook page:
- The ORE bandcamp site:
- The ORE Youtube channel:

Some of my favorite clips and songs by ORE:
-I M B E C I L E, my idiot lover (warning, this clip might not be safe for work):
- A world not so beautiful:
- Long knives and little men:
- Ashen like love and black like the snow:
- Remember Depravity and the Orgies of Rome:
- In high heels through nights of broken glass:
- Three is an orgy, four is forever:

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