What made me happy today? Storms that pass in the night.
It's been storming here since yesterday evening. I love storms! The way the clouds are so many different shades of grey, whipping past at high speeds, the colourfull leaves flying by and how the trees bend in the wind.
Of course, storms can do a lot of damage. So far, we've been pretty lucky here, apart from a few trees and some traffic signs, not much else was damaged.
Except for my circadian rhythm. The clock was turned back an hour yesterday, and that's messing with my internal clock. Add the noisy storm to that, and I decided to put in earplugs, in order to be able to sleep. And sleep I did. I even slept through my alarm because it only went off once. Good thing I always wake up early, and that I work flex-time :-)
So storms are pretty, and my internal clock woke me up pretty much on time! Plus, I had a super-productive day at work. I guess I escaped this week's case of the Mondays ;-)
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