Thursday, September 19, 2013

Random much?

What made me happy today? The enormous load of random things today!
What a day. It seemed to be filled with random, funny stuff. When I came into the office this morning, I saw one coworker ducking behind her desk. She told me she thought I was someone else. Which made me wonder who she was ducking from.
Then I had a funny little talk at the coffee machine with my old manager. After that, my PC decided that it was time for some random crashes, so I had to call the IT help-desk. For once, I talked to someone who actually knew what they were doing.
But this one takes the cake: when I went to the reception area of the office, I saw a guy walk in with a suitcase and a pair of ski boots in his hand. I'm still not sure why he had them. It's not snowing, and there are no indoor skiing places nearby...
I like random stuff like that, it makes me smile! I hope you had a great day too!

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