What made me happy today? Bare.
I finally did it. I wore a dress without full length leggings. Not to work, but at my BFs and to go home. BF doesn't like me hiding my legs.
A little back story here: in 2004 I had an accident while skiing. My right ski came off, my left ski didn't. My lower left leg twisted outward, along with the ski, while my upper left leg stayed straight. It didn't hurt at first, and I only noticed that something was wrong when I tried to stand on my leg and just couldn't. I won't bore you with the details, but it two surgeries later my left leg is pretty scarred. So I've been hiding my legs ever since. For those of you counting, that means I haven't worn a short, or a dress or skirt without leggings for nine years.
Most people don't really mind me doing so. A few of my coworkers made a remark about the long leggings a while ago (we're having a heath wave here), but when I said it was to cover up scars, they dropped it. Only my BF didn't drop it. He kept on telling me that they're a part of me, that I'm beautiful just the way I am and that I shouldn't hide.
I reached a breaking point on Tuesday. I just passed my practical driver's exam and felt really happy. But it also was another very hot day. I was wearing a pair of long jeans and suddenly something inside me said 'well frak this, I need shorts.' So I hopped into a sports store where they sell loads of clothes and I bought two pairs of shorts and one pair of capri pants.
I posted about this in a FB group, and finding it a bit scary. Their response was nothing but supportive. They said things like 'just think of the Mulan song. "My girl (or boy) will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars..." I don't think scars are at all a bad thing.', ' member x is awesome and correct...scars happen and they add character. :-)', 'PSHT!!! I work with orthopedics, I've seen some AWESOME scars. If judgmental and abusive people want to have an opinion on things that don't involve them, remember we love you and their opinions weigh less. =x'. That really helped!
I'm still not entirely comfortable walking around with bare legs, I'm rather self-conscious about it but I'm hoping that it will improve over time. They're my legs, they may not be pretty, but if you don't like them you don't have to look at them.
So finally taking this big step has made me really happy.
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