Thursday, April 4, 2013

Nervous much?

What made me happy today? Noticing that there are people out there who have the same nervous habits!
Little back-story here: I'm a nervous person. I used to be very nervous for everything, but luckily that has diminished by aging ;-) A lot of things got me nervous, and as an outlet for my nerves I bit my nails. Bit, yes, because I managed to quit. With the help of a lot of chewing gum, liquorice and willpower.
And then came the time I had to start taking driving lessons. I hadn't been that nervous in a while. But instead of biting my nails again, I got a better solution: chewing gum. Helped with the nerves, and kept my nails intact :-)
When driving home today, a car from a driving school passed me in the other direction as I was waiting at a red light. And what did I see? The student driver furiously chewing gum. Made me smile, because it's kind of nice to know you're not alone!

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